Recent Exhibitions (2018)

Waiting for Transcendence: Work by April Sunami Southern Ohio Museum, Portsmouth, OH April Sunami is an award winning artist focusing on figural mixed media painting.  Her subjects revolve around women and the female form with fanciful hair and/or body coverings-burka, hijab, veil, coupling the abstract with … Continue readingRecent Exhibitions (2018)

Updates Galore!

I’ve been a busy gal recently. Too busy to even update this blog. First thing is the Creative Arts of Women exhibit at the Ohio State University Urban Arts Space.  Perhaps our best group show yet. My work titled “Make Your Peace” is part memorial … Continue readingUpdates Galore!

Talking Opposites with April Sunami

Check out my interview for CAW talk! Many thanks to Allison Buenger for asking me to do this interview.Please do check out her blog The Creative Cleanse where she challenges herself make more and buy less.  


Having an art history background I always feel compelled to find commonalities in art and categorize them. Whenever my husband and I  were out and about  we noticed that there are other local artists were working in themes similar to mine. Woman’s face and abstracted … Continue readingPsychenwelic